Artist | Educator
Louise Scanlan
In 2019 I completed two block placements in post primary schools in North Dublin. The first block in a Community College and the second block in a DEIS school. Due to the schools differing in organisation and ethos I had good overall experience of teaching in a secondary school. I had the opportunity to teach Junior Cycle, TY, Senior Cycle and LCA programs.
Post Primary Placements
Skerries Community College, Skerries Co. Dublin
Skerries Community College is a Community College located in Fingal in North Dublin. It is a large mixed gender ETB school with over 900 pupils. Skerries Community College is a Droichead School. This school is the only school in the expanding town. It is awaiting relocation and expansion due to the increase in the local population. They offer Junior Cycle, Transition Year and Senior Cycle programs.
Scheme 1: Transition Year
Wrapped Up
Tie Dye
Powerpoint, Demonstration, Visual Aid Boards, Video Clips, Primary Sources- sample material, objects
Through material experimentation students will explore shape, colour, pattern and texture in contemporary artists work to research the theme 'Wrapped Up'
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this Unit of Learning students should be able to…
2.11 - Research the use of art elements and design principles in contemporary art, craft and design works from their own and other cultures
1.1 - Analyse their work, their peers and Support Study artists using appropriate vocabulary and knowledge
2.7 - Identify and experiment with a range of historical or contemporary skills and materials used in art, craft and design works relevant to their project
1.7 - examine the method of a number of artists and the artwork they created
Evaluate their design solution to the theme in comparison to those of their peers
Images of Pupil's Work
Scheme 2: Fifth Year Art History
The High Period of Christian Art in Ireland
Annotation, Practical Tasks & Leaving Certificate Exam Questions
Powerpoint, Demonstration, Visual Aid Boards, Video Clips, Primary Sources- Feathers, Bible, Metals
Through material experimentation and research students will explore illuminated manuscripts and Christian Irish Metalwork.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this Unit of Learning students should be able to…
Interpret the High Period of Irish Art and represent this through a range of analytical drawings
Research the use of art elements and design principles in contemporary art, craft and design works from analysing work created during this period
Analyse the artefacts using appropriate vocabulary and knowledge through the use of critical thinking
Identify and experiment with a range of historical or contemporary skills and materials used in art, craft and design works relevant to subject
Images of Pupil's Work
Unit of Learning 3: First Year
My Hobbies
Drawing (continuous line, gestural, blind, contour, cross contour, pointalism), mono print, lino print
Powerpoint, Demonstration, Visual Aid Boards, Video Clips, Primary Sources- hockey sticks, radio,fruit, shoes
Through material experimentation students will explore shape, colour, pattern and texture to create a lino print based on their research of their theme of ‘My Hobbies’.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this Unit of Learning students should be able to…
1.1 analyse their work, or that of another, using appropriate vocabulary and knowledge
2.4 show they can use their drawings to observe, record and analyse
3.6 design a final work based on their drawings
1.7 examine the method of a number of artists and the artwork they created
1.12 apply their understanding of the art elements and design principles to make an artwork
2.15 justify the choice of media in their own or others’ artwork
Images of Pupil's Work
St. Joseph's Secondary School, Rush Co. Dublin
St. Joseph's Secondary School is a DEIS school located in Fingal in North Dublin. It is a large mixed gender school with over 700 pupils. This school is the only school in the growing town of Rush. It is awaiting relocation and expansion due to the increase in the local population. It is due to move to it's new location within the next two to three years. St Joseph’s is a ,College For Every Student School of Distinction', committed to TA21 teaching and learning. They have received this status we have achieved for the past six consecutive years. The school practice is built on the pillars of Mentoring, Leadership Through Service, Pathways to College and Technology. The school has close links with Trinity College.
They offer Junior Cycle, Transition Year, Leaving Cert Applied, and Senior Cycle programs.
Unit of Learning 1: First Year
Mindmap, Drawing (contour), pinch pots, modelling, painting
Powerpoint, Demonstration, Visual Aid Boards, Video Clips, Primary Sources- skeletons, feathers, fur, scales, shells
Cross Curricular Links:
History, Geography, Biology, Math, English
Learning Layers:
Life cycle of clay, Greta Thunberg, Australian Wildfires, Mutation, Evolution, National History Museum, Zoos, climate change
To introduce pupils clay allowing them to design and create a hybrid form on the theme of footprint that demonstrates an understanding of colour and texture.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this Unit of Learning students should be able to…
3.2 use critical and visual language to explain their own designs and those of others
1.5 interpret the world and communicate ideas through visual means
3.5 experiment with design ideas through research and analytical drawing
2.9 assess the visual culture references that are incorporated into craftwork
1.12 apply their understanding of the art elements and design principles to make an artwork.
3.15 justify design concepts and the use of media in their own or others’ work
Images of Pupil's Work
Scheme 2: Transition Year
Special Effects
Mindmap, Drawing (contour), clay models, wax & fake blood- wounds/ bruises/ burns/ boils
Powerpoint, Demonstration, Visual Aids, Video Clips, Health & safety posters
Cross Curricular Links:
History, Biology, Math, English
Learning Layers:
Film studies, theatre makeup, health & safety, prevention of wounds, colour theory, origin of special effects/ theatre makeup
To improve pupils’ discipline, skill and techniques in special effects to produce a portfolio of work that demonstrates an understanding of colour, texture and form through the means of Theatre Makeup.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this unit pupils should be able to...
Interpret a theme and design brief and represent this through use of a Special Effects and photography techniques (Art/Design- Application & Photography) (Cognitive, Psychomotor & Affective) - 3.4
Research the use of art elements and design principles in contemporary art, set makeup and design works from their own and other cultures (AEDP) (Cognitive & Affective) - 2.11
Identify and experiment with a range of historical or contemporary makeup skills and materials used in art, craft and design works relevant to their project (Visual Culture & appreciation) (Cognitive, Psychomotor & Affective) - 2.7
Analyse their work, their peers and Support Study artists using appropriate vocabulary and critical language (Art – Critical & Visual Language) (Cognitive & Affective) - 1.1
Images of Pupil's Work
Scheme 3: Fifth Year Art History
The Bronze Age - Interpreting artefacts & the society
Annotation, note taking, tinfoil jewelery making, gold card incision,leaving cert exam question,
Powerpoint, Demonstration, Visual Aids, Video Clips, Kahoot quiz, Placemat technique
Cross Curricular Links:
History, Biology, CSPE, English
Learning Layers:
Society of the time, Current society, origin of artefacts, transport & trade, diets & housing, burial rituals & beliefs
Explore the Bronze Age period through examination of its artefacts in order to replicate techniques and decoration.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this unit pupils should be able to...
Use critical and visual language to describe the techniques and decoration of Bronze Age artefacts in written and aural form
Interpret the culture of the Beaker People and compare it to contemporary society through verbal discussion
Experiment with design methods to translate an understanding of techniques used through practical means
Construct annotative drawings to display an understanding of the key artefacts of this time