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CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development. It is operationalised through a system that recognises and accords professional status for all professional learning acquired formally, non-formally and informally by an individual teacher.

Workshop held in NCAD July 2019 - facilitated by Brigitta Seck

Workshop help in NCAD in July 2018 - facilitated by David Cotter

Fabric & Fibre

Ceramics & Wellbeing

Fabric & Fibre

Fabric & Fibre

In July 2018 I partook in the Fabric & Fibre CPD that took place in NCAD. My role was to set up the room prior to the lessons taking place, aid the facilitator in any tasks necessary & to tidy the room following the workshop.

This experience was very beneficial and enjoyable to part-take in. I was able to watch Mr. Cotter at work and pick up on skills on how to work with certain materials & processes. 

This workshop included drawing skills, basic puppetry & costume design and clay. 


Ceramics & Wellbeing

In July 2019 I took part in the Ceramics & wellbeing CPD that took place in NCAD. My role was to help set up the room before the workshop took place, aid the facilitator in any tasks necessary during the workshop & to help tidy the room following the workshop that afternoon.

This experience was excellent for my overall development as a teacher. Ms Seck was a wonderful teacher who taught many tips on using clay. I learnt a great deal about clay itself as well as different ways to utilise it in a classroom. 

Covered topics include pinch pots, coiling, making/ using slip, using coloured slip, stamping, slabbing, decoration, pressing, joining clay & how to use a kiln.

Ceramics & Wellbeing
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